What to Expect

Welcome!  Our hope is that in joining our worship gathering you will encounter the living Christ, through word, song, sacrament and friendship. We are a small church with a big heart. Sunday worship is at 11AM. Pathfinders Christian Education for Adults and Preschoolers through 8th grade is offered at 9:45 during the school year.  

Parking: We have ample parking, but if the lot fills up, go ahead and park in our large overflow lot: anywhere on the grass. Handicap parking is available in front, and a cement ramp leads the way to the front entrance.

Dress: Casual so feel free to come as you are comfortable.

Children in Worship Young children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary for all or part of the service. We offer children’s activity packets, just inside the front door.  Children are invited forward for a Children’s Moment early in the service, and often children five and under will go to the nursery following the children’s moment. Our nursery is located just downstairs from the Fellowship Hall.  It is staffed by a trained adult and a youth volunteer, following our Safe Sanctuary guidelines.

Communication Cards Yellow communication cards are in the pew backs. We invite you to fill one out with your contact information so that we can get better acquainted and acknowledge your visit with a note.  Prayer requests and requests for other information can also be included on the cards. Place them in the offering plate midway through the service.

Sacraments Holy Communion is celebrated twice a month, typically on the first and third Sundays. Our table is open to all people who come with a humble and seeking heart. You do not need to belong to this or any other church to receive. Regular and gluten-free bread are available, and unfermented wine is served in our cup. Individual cups are available for those who prefer it. Those who prefer not to receive communion may stay in their places, or come forward and receive a blessing; simply cross your arms over your chest or tell the server you'd like a blessing for yourself or your child.  Communion will be brought to you in the pew if needed, just alert an usher.

Music: We have mostly key-board led worship; piano and organ, led worship. We have a choir in the school year, and welcome people to offer special music.  

Accessibility  Almena UMC is barrier free. Our chairs are easily moved to accommodate persons who need more space. Hearing Assist devices are available at our sound booth in the rear of the sanctuary.  Back support pillows are available by the sound booth.

Restrooms are in the Fellowship Hall, and on the lower level. 

Refreshments are served after worship in our Fellowship Hall, just follow the crowd!  Please do stay if you’d like to, as it gives us both a chance to get better acquainted.

Giving We do not expect visitors to give financially, so feel free to not participate in the offering. If you do choose to participate, know that we accept two offerings each Sunday. The first “globe” container receives gifts for the mission of the month, which is displayed weekly.  Gifts in the second offering contribute towards the ministry of this church and the UM church around the world. Checks should be made out to Almena UMC. If contact information is given, a year-end receipt will be mailed for gifts over $75.

Exploring Membership Classes are offered twice a year for those wishing to become professing members. All are welcome!